Healing & Remote Viewing

Many times people will discover that in addition to the verbal information given through Tara there is also healing that takes place. After a reading clients have frequently commented on the deep sense of peace that they have experienced during the session. An energy that some describe as a “loving and healing touch” can also accompany the reading. While Tara does not consider herself to be a Reiki Master, she definitely has a God given gift to help energetically heal the physical body. She does acknowledge that the energy that is present during a reading does have the capacity to heal the heart and a soul.

Do you have a loved one in an altered, non communicative or coma state? Tara has such a unique ability to tap into your loved ones in the moment and describe in detail to you exactly the environment they are in, what they can’t communicate to you to help bring peace and comfort to you.

When doing a physical or remote energy healing Tara does summon high energy to create such a sense of peacefulness and love on demand, it is simply part of the gift that is present as the information from Heaven flows through her during a energy healing or read.

Remote Viewing for the sick 30 min
In Person or Remote Energy Healing 30 min

For bookings and pricing details, Click the below link