Psychic Children

Working with the apparent abilities of children and their parents to help them understand psychic gifts is something I think is so important. As a child I had so many abilities and just a “knowing” but no where to channel it. It was not until I was 22, the late Reverend/Spiritualist Patricia Bartlett was instrumental in helping me to recognize my gifts and to remind me to honor the divine in all of us.
We need to trust and listen to our children’s insights and fears. They often “see” things we do not. I wish I received the help I did earlier in life to help me hone in on my own abilities later in life, it was difficult to understand my experience and development, imagination versus knowing. I can help you to understand and pinpoint your child’s specific gifts, and support you and them in the unfolding in development of their own unique abilities.

Consultation available by appointment only!