Tara Grossi
Tara GrossiMedium & Healer

About Tara

As a Medium, Healer, and Spiritual Counselor for over 15 years, I take great pleasure and pride in assisting people with practical guidance and tools for daily life; answering spiritual questions; communicating with loved ones who have passed on; creating comfort from grief and peace of mind. I believe “gifts from the Spirit”, such as mediumship and intuition are God given tools for healing and inspiration available to all of us.

“As a child I had dreams that would come true and I would often see spirits. In the late 1990′s, I decided to develop my gift further and I’ve been guiding others ever since.

Tara is a gifted Medium known throughout Northeastern PA, Upstate NY, & New Jersey, as well as one of the nations well respected dedicated medium and spiritualist. Tara is a certified medium, Ordained minister, Certified Life Coach with over 15 years experience with clairvoyant and clairaudient skills. Tara has provided her clients with “messages from the other side” offering peace, closure and healing.

As a medium and intuitive communicator, I connect with energies in different dimensions. I am able to receive images and messages from those who have crossed over and convey them to my clients here in the physical.

It is part of my mission in this work to educate people and eliminate their fear and misunderstanding of Life, Death and the Spirit Side of Life.  Death is not the end of life…death is merely a part of life.  It is important to remember that we are not completely in control here, as much as we would like to be and think that we are……and we are not supposed to be.  I have learned to be comfortable with the unknown, and with that which I cannot control and I have learned to quell my fears with trust and faith.   My work with The Spirit World, God’s world, teaches me everyday here is a gift to be embraced and enjoyed and sometimes just endured.  I never take a moment or a day for granted, as tomorrow is not promised to any of us.  Learn to be comfortable with the fact that we do not know or understand everything and let that just be ok.  Your life is a choice, every moment you are creating your future by your beliefs and choices and thoughts.  Choose to be happy, choose to embrace and seek out the joy in life, choose to stay in the light.  Choose to not tune into all of the darkness and negativity here.  That does not mean to live in a bubble and ignore it, that means acknowledge it but then release it.  Spirit tells me that every minute of every day, there is just as much good on this earth as bad, everything is in balance. It is just that we can some times be too tuned in to the negativity and darkness.  Try to “choose” to tune into the light and goodness here.

Our lives are NOT about being a VICTIM or being the result of what has happened to us.  Perceived – Bad things happen to all of us here in different ways all of the time.  Our lives ARE all about how we overcome the bad things that happen to us.  We are here to overcome, grow and most importantly …learn.  Perceived “Bad” things, events or obstacles are actually opportunities to help us grow, not punishments.  They are lessons, and we are here to learn.  Fear can be a healthy early warning system if it keeps us out of a harmful situation, but is important to not let your life be ruled or controlled by fear.

People always tell me that I have “a gift”, I do believe is from god. “The Gift” is a message or a “last word” from your loved ones and the spirit realm and is a small miracle here on earth and a brief glimpse into the heavens. I do believe that I am “gifted” in the amount of natural ability that I have, but I have also worked very hard, over many years, developing and fine tuning my abilities and talent as any professional would.

I believe everyone possesses the same intuitive abilities that I do to some degree. Every one of us has this innate ability. Many times we call it a “hunch” or “gut feeling” for example. Intuitive Sense is absolutely no different than the other physical senses, talents and abilities that we all posses. Take a Musical talent for example; you may be born with absolutely no musical ability what so ever, but take some piano classes and you can learn to play basic music. You probably will not go on to be a professional musician, but that is not the point. On the other hand, you may be born with a lot of natural musical ability, so you decide to train and practice and fine tune your craft and you go on to become a professional musician.

You do not need me to talk to your loved ones….they see you and they hear you. They can visit with you whenever they choose. If you hear from them or see them, do not be alarmed, it does not mean they are “stuck” here on the Physical Plane or not in heaven, they are just visiting you.   If you want to see and hear them, then you must pay attention to your dreams as it is easy for them to visit you there.  You must also learn to be quiet, still and receptive and if you try, have no fear, and practice, you may see and hear them too.  Perfectly ordinary everyday people, tell me all of the time, about the experiences they have had of seeing and hearing their loved ones. All that is required is that you let go of your fear, pay attention and most importantly……… believe!

“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.” – Stuart Chase

Tara was trained in the tradition of Spiritualism’s foremost great thinkers as a student of renowned medium and teachers, Reverend Elaine Thomas, Reverend Patricia Price & Doreen Virtue.

Reverend Elaine Thomas, co-founded and became co-director of The School of Spiritual Healing & Prophecy and Foundational Pastor of Fellowships of the Spirit, which is a non-denominational Spiritualist Church. For the past 24 years we have trained and ordained spiritual healers and mediums from around the United States and Canada. Rev. Patricia Price is a certified Medium with the Church of the Living Spirit at Lily Dale, NY and City of Light Spiritualist Church in Cassadaga, NY. Doreen Virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology and a fourth-generation meta physician who works with the angelic, elemental, and ascended-master realms in her writings and workshops. Doreen is the author of more than 20 books about angels, chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angels books/angel cards.

She has a Bachelors Degree from Hamilton University of New York, as well as certificates in healing techniques from School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy, Lily Dale, New York, Psychic/Mediumship Certification Program, Lily Dale, NY, and a Medium Certification from Doreen Virtue, also studied advanced mediumship under Sharon Klinger.

 Ordained in 2008 as a Spiritualist Minister, I remain a committed seeker of spiritual truth and personal growth as a lifelong pursuit.

In 2004, Tara attended Fellowships of the Spirit, Lily Dale New York, (Spiritual Insight Training)

In 2007 – 2010, Tara attended the Tril-oly Institute, Lily Dale, NY (Psychic Mediumship Program),

In 2008, Tara was ordained a Spiritualist Minister

In 2010, Tara attended the Spirit Education Center and Scactuary, Effort Pennsylvania, Medium & Psychic retreat facilitated by Gloria Weichand

In 2011, Tara graduated as a Certified Medium through Doreen Virtue’s Angel University.

In 2011, Tara attended the Spirit Education Center and Sanctuary, Effort Pennsylvania   – Cabinet Intensive Workshop & March 2011, Psychic Investigation courses part 1 & 2 with Linda de Jesus.

In 2011, Tara studied Advanced Spirit Communication and Public Mediumship by Sharon Anne Klingler.

In 2013, Tara attended Fellowships of the Spirit, Lily Dale New York, (Master’s in Mediumship).

In 2014, Tara became a certified life coach from American Union of NLP